Dusty Rose and the Backwards Step

Dusty Rose and the Backwards Step

Dusty Rose and the Backward Step: Reflections on our shadows, gift states, and how our natural impulses shine a light on our purpose. Okay friends, this is a mix of story-telling and teaching. Although the content of this post relates to my personal impulses, and my...
Nurture Your Nature Coaching Package

Nurture Your Nature Coaching Package

You living your life in fullness enriches us all.                                 Nurture Your Nature ✺ The 1:1 deep mentorship path with Maxine. Nurture Your Nature is a process to embody self-nurturing, and take empowered action on your needs and desires to thrive....
Breathing Room 1:1 Sessions

Breathing Room 1:1 Sessions

When we receive the support, tools and Space to Be,amazing things will grow. 1:1 Breathing Room  Embodiment Coaching Sessions You  want some guidance to connect to your body. You want to feel inspired, seen and resourced so that you can meet life with more ease....