2021 reflections on what I learned, ‘The Nurturing Voice’, and what’s next.        Since 2018, I’ve been marked by the same pursuit – to cultivate a relationship with The Nurturing Voice. Or, an inner presence that knows, guides,...
Hunting Moments

Hunting Moments

 I rest my back on an ironwood tree. I choose to voluntarily split my attention between the weight of my suspended body and the fur dampened sound of a cottontail’s padded feet on the snow. It’s very crisp with the wind coming from the northwest, straight into face,...
Dear You

Dear You

Dear you, I want you to know;that you’re part of a great song,A far reaching web,your roots are no jokeand neither are your dreams. I simply have to tell youfor the sake of my own soul,that you belong here in this body;that it is a big deal.And that every time...
My Yoga Practice + Guilt

My Yoga Practice + Guilt

Maxine Iharosy 2018 How does Yoga + Guilt go together at all? Allow me to explain. After some time away from my practice I stepped tentatively into my office space, which consists of a desk in an otherwise empty room, lit up by a nice big window. Ideally this is the...