9 Month Group Coaching Container for Tending to the Conditions that Nourish Your Vitality.

Your wholeness as a woman rests in the embodiment of self-nurturance. Tend moves you towards expansive edges of both receiving true nourishment and shedding conditioning that distorts your vibrancy.

Be fed by the tension between what is here now and what can become.

Tend is enrolling.
You begin when ready.

- Your becoming is a constant dance of unraveling and growth. Learn to embrace surrender and change.

-Nurturing your vitality is both soft and strong, fierce and tender. Step into your own paradox and out of the binary mind.

-You don’t want to be nice, it’s exhausting. Find the courage for honest, real.

- More of your self-centeredness means more capacity to genuinely connect. Honour your boundaries, and respect the sovereignty of others.

- Death of old identities and patterns brings fresh vitality, rebirth. Shed that snakeskin, there’s more on the other side.

-The language of your body is sometimes too large for words. Cultivate reverence for your instinct and survival impulses.

-Your feminine form is a life-giving force of nature. No longer afraid of your womb, with all her memories, mess, and power.

-You carry a one-of-a-kind energy, meant to be seen and shared. What might happen if you felt safe enough to risk leading with it?

How Tend Works:

  • $244 can monthly for 9 months. After your 9 months in Tend you are welcome to continue in the space on a month by month basis for a reduced fee.

    Full Holding Mentorship includes Tend + 1 individual session each month and open private chat line. This investment is $444 can monthly for 12 months. It is me and you fully backing your process.

  • Bi-weekly calls generally on Wednesdays at 6 pm ET, and 1 ceremonial or speciality workshop call per month.

  • Tend is held in my Mighty Networks platform, The Wildernest. We have a digital space dedicated to Tend, to assignments, group posts, and all program information and module videos.

    We have a Signal chat thread for ongoing integration.

    You receive 1 individual session with me as part of your Tend enrollment, used anytime within the 9 months. Supplementary 1:1 sessions can be booked at an additional fee.

    Upgrading to Full Holding Mentorship may be available.

Your Commitments for Tend:

  • Attend live sessions whenever possible. Communicate with me if you need support or clarification. Understand that this is not a quick fix container, there is no 7 step formula here, and this is a space where you will be consistently asked to bring your honesty. This is a beautiful opportunity to meet yourself and choose vitality, and for some, avoidance is a familiar pattern. Know that you are signing up to be part of an intimate group experience and you will be asked to show up. Tend is not something to passively consume.

  • Stay in tune with your needs. Tend is a space of trauma-informed somatic-based transformation, but it is not a therapy space and is not designed to support chronic trauma reactivity. Part of tending is our capacity to hold ourselves, this is something we continue to build. You need a foundation of self-holding to enter Tend. The material we explore will be asking you to sometimes look at things you haven’t wanted to, or have not had capacity to yet, and this can be uncomfortable. It is all in service to your vitality.

  • Tend weaves multi disciplinary approaches to inner transformation and is at her core, an earth and soul led space. I use language like Soul, Desire, Mystery, Feminine, Masculine, Essence, Power, Pussy. I also use language from secular nervous system education lineages. I am committed to the expression of your soul essence more than I am our preference for terms. It is up to you to ride the waves between discernment and surrender, between preference and just letting go into the experience.

Tend is focused on six main areas in the body and energetic system

ROOT : safety, nurturance, internal foundation
WOMB : “I am.” Inner knowing.
CORE : safe-enough to risk. Hunger. Power.
HEART : Connection, courage.
THROAT: expression, voice
MIND: curiousity, focus, vastness

Your relationship with the elements, nature, and spirituality inform your journey in Tend just as much as your relationship with the material things in your life. All of it is practice. All becomes doorways into more self-intimacy.

Tend Meets You on the Path and Will Nourish You Most If:

-are recovering your core essence from years of codependent relating and people-pleasing and crave the feeling of having your own back. You want your fire.

-you’re in a season of life where you crave the nervous system stability that comes from long-term mentorship and group work over the fantasy of a ‘quick fix’ and easy answers

-you can feel unspoken needs and desires rumbling in your body and you know it’s time to take responsibility for letting them emerge, giving them voice and room.

-Instinctively know that somatic work, nature connection, and sharing space with other women revealing the truth of themselves is YOUR next phase of awakening to and holding your power

-You no longer roll your eyes at the call from the Great Mother Within and are ready (though maybe afraid) to open to what she has to say

-You’re moved to heal your relationship with your pussy, both physically and energetically, and to honor the wisdom of your cyclic rhythm, because you have a feeling that’s where the power is.

-You want to become the woman who can hold and tend to the adolescent versions of you that take the wheel sometimes, instead of rejecting them or trying to change your inner child. 

Tend is an embodied roadmap for consulting your heart and womb before leaping for external validation and deconditioning the tendency to defer your attention. Root into your body as a home, not a project, not an obstacle.

Join us inside of Tend for 9 months of guidance to
→ learn how to listen to your body
→ learn how to be with sensation
→ learn how to express impulses
→ learn how to embody truth

Your Vitality is like the current of a river.

To nurture life is in your bones.
Women are conditioned young to orient for permission, inspiration, and safety externally. Our nurturing power is channeled into trying to belong. Nurturing others while we deplete. Unnecessary martyring. Nurturing social connections even if they are not authentic. Nurturing visions that aren’t true to who we are but feel safe to play out.  The power to nurture becomes distorted, throats narrow, voices shiver, and faces hold onto a mask.

What if we’re at a point where we’re tired of blaming others for it or feeling like it’s our fault? What if we're at a point where the shame is now too heavy? What if we’ve gotten bored by how complicated self-healing seems to be and we just want to drop all the fixing? What if everything inside of us is saying descend woman, go down and in. We know it’s time to let it go. But what will be here once we take it all off?

Tend is in service to taking it all off so that we can liberate our innate power to nurture and direct it towards where it really is needed: our vitality our life-force. We no longer use our precious energy to uphold untruths,  pinning down our expression at the corners of the jaw.

What if the river gets to flow?
What will be here when we let that happen?
What will stay?
How will it be different?

If you have felt this calling then you understand how scary it can feel to be at the edge of answering it. Because it feels like birth, and death, at the same time. And it is.

You’re not alone. This kind of work gets to be in a group field because shadows (and the gifts!) are so universal.

When we have not fully individuated as women we have not fully met our womb. To individuate is the process of getting to know your essence, distinct from the fabric of society, family, and identity. Individuation is a journey through the personal and collective unconscious worlds, bringing more awareness to our shadows and the unseen. To individuate we need internal nurturance. Tend is in service to this. Our relationship to our womb is our relationship to cyclic rhythm.  Cyclic rhythm is the truth that everything has a seasonality to it, everything is in motion, and in a constant flow of rebirth/death. 

To self-nurture is to recognize you hold the power for your choices. You hold the key to being responsible for your own vitality, your life force. You are the one who tends to this inner flow. You are the nurturance you seek outside of yourself. This is not to say we only need ourselves. The distinction is we value ourselves enough to stop looking to be fed from sources that aren’t nutritious for the Soul. This takes time.

Your Power

No one else can feel it for you.

No one else can grant you access.

But some spaces can teach you how to meet yourself. Tend is one of those spaces.

And I am proud of this space. I would love to meet with you.

  • My field of study has been the field of life. Nurturance is definitely my medicine. It is where I have received the most hits from life and it's where my gift grew. How to hold space and become a guide serving empowerment to others has meant I have had very enmeshed family and codependent relationship dynamics to emerge from. Heartbreak has devastated me and it has been my biggest portal to awakening. Death has been a teacher in my life more than once. And being a long-term caregiver, a role which I no longer am in, exposed me to a lot of truths about aging, nature, and interdependence. As well as control, fear, and regrets.

    My nervous system has taught me about anxiety, power, and anger. I have many years of experience with fawning (social and sexual), cannabis use, panic attack disorder, and dermatillomania. I am now living sober, my connection to my womb is alive and juicy, and I can experience a wide range of sensations without overwhelm.  I give thanks to Somatic Experiencing Therapy, Nature, my Spirituality, and Embodiment practices for where I am now. And of course, many many Teachers.

    I am still learning. And, I genuinely feel a robust sense of Self guides me to take ownership for my vitality now. Because of this, I teach others.

    Raised in the country near Owen Sound, Ontario, access to nature has never been considered a privilege, but just what I knew, and is non-negotiable as a way of life for me. I am currently living on the Gaspe Peninsula in Quebec with my love, two dogs, and the old blue mountains.

    I began embodiment coaching in 2019 after realizing that I could not teach yoga anymore - I had gotten too rogue. Curious about shadow work, feminine consciousness, and somatic healing, I began a 3 year program to certify as a Somatic Experiencing Trauma Practitioner and launched my business.

    I eat a lot of meat, suck the marrow out of bones, make herbal teas high in minerals, I love to travel, my favourite minds are Gary Snyder and Joanna Macy, I am excellent at packing a car for long trips, I make an amazing pie pastry thanks to a few years I spent working in a family farm kitchen, have worked on bee hives, organic farms, lived in a mud cabin by a swamp, pole dance, hunt, and my phone gallery is full of pics of my dog, close ups of moss and flowers, and selfies. My goal is to be 85 and still capable of squatting to pee in the woods when on a hunt. It is my only real goal. Everything else is a bonus.

  • Animal Body Wisdom

    Animal Body Wisdom: Reverence for your instinctual nature means we understand the survival power that lives within our self-protective and defensive reactions. In Tend you receive Somatic education and constant guidance to attune your body. You learn to feel and regulate your nervous system in tune with your capacity so you can ride the waves of emotion and sensation. We work with two powerful methods for nervous system regulation in Tend: physical self-intimacy and honesty.

  • Unrestricted Vitality

    Unrestricted Vitality

    Celebrating the freedom to let life move through you, to sway your hips, twinkle your eyes, shed your tears, moan out your exhales, shake with laughter. If life-force is a river, unrestricted vitality is about removing the dams, or adjusting the banks, so the river can really flow. It is embodied permission.

  • Heart Opening Compassion:

    You need heart and you need to get soft with yourself. Tend steeps you in a field of compassion. Compassion means turning towards with the intention to alleviate the suffering. To do this we explore why there is suffering. Often there are unconscious beliefs and fears keeping us spell-bound in what we say we don’t want, but continue to choose. We need compassion to let ourselves fly - to let ourselves thrive. 

For a taste of my work and Tend you can purchase a digital offering.