Tending to the conditions that nourish your vitality.
A woman’s continuation on her path of wholeness, power, and truth.

The initiation into your wholeness as a woman is a constant unfolding. A secret door appears in every moment you choose to feel it. There comes a time when the electric tension between who am I now and the pulsing potential of who (or rather, what) am I becoming is too irresistible to turn away from. Tend moves you to the expansive edges of what truly feeds you while shedding conditioning that distorts your radiance.

The initiation into your sovereign woman asks for your mind to soften, your heart to feel, your womb to create, powerful legs to root into truth, and your strong back to uphold boundaries.

This is 9 months of tending to the conditions that bring you deep soul and body nourishment.

Tend Meets You on the Path and Will Nourish You Most If:

  • You are recovering your core essence from years of codependent relating and people-pleasing, so things feel a little *confusing* right now.


  • You’re in a season of life where you want the nervous system stability that comes from long-term mentorship and group work over the promise of a ‘quick fix’ and easy answers.


  • You can feel unspoken needs and desires rumbling in your body and you know it’s time to take responsibility for letting them emerge, embodying your honesty.


  • Instinctively know that somatic work, nature connection, and sharing space with other women revealing the truth of themselves is YOUR next phase of awakening to and holding your power


  • You no longer roll your eyes at the call from the Great Mother Within and are ready (though maybe intimidated!) to open up to what she has to say.


  • You’re moved to heal your relationship with your pussy, both physically and energetically, and to honor the wisdom of your cyclic rhythm because you have a feeling that’s where the real power is.


  • You want to become the caliber of woman who has true compassion for others and not use this as an excuse to accept self-disrespecting behavior.


  • You desire to hold and tend to your inner adolescent versions of self rather than rejecting or trying to change the inner child and teen. 


The Details

Tend Includes:
→ 2 monthly Group Coaching Calls (1st and 3rd Wednesday) general times are 4:30 – 6:30 pm EST, depending on needs of the group

→ A blend of deeply practical and mystically enlivening assignments for each module we move through

→ A space to digital space digest, reflect, and share where I can track your process.

The Space:
→ Tend is held within the Wildernest as a private container. The Wildernest is Maxine’s monthly membership space hosted on Mighty Networks. Tend includes 9 months as a Wildernest member. You can take part in our additional monthly group calls and somatic sessions.

Tend Investment:
$222 (can) per month or $1998 (can) in full. 

On Attending Live vs Replays:
→ Our first call of each month introduces our theme. Our second call each month focuses on an assignment or embodiment practice, these are more experiential. Attending live is the best way to ensure I can support you and work directly with you.

→ It’s encouraged you attend 1 live call per month as often as possible. This is because shared space, witnessing other women, and self-expression in real-time is important to this work. There will also be plenty of space for you in our private space to add your written reflections.

→ Replays will always be available.


What’s On the Other Side of Tend?

  • An embodied roadmap for consulting your heart and womb over leaping towards external validation.


  • Deep trust in yourself to meet life with compassion and choice.

  • A relationship with your body that is centered in self-honouring, deep respect and awe.


  • The daily grit to listen to what you need and match that with practical attention to your life.

  • Sovereign sense of self that upholds the standards of what truly nourishes you.
  • Capacity to express boundaries and be with the ripple effects, leaving behind any need to blame others for not being able to meet you

  • Congruent core values that are reflected in your daily choices, in your circles, and in how you move through your life

    What happens when you have access to space, guidance, deep compassion, and self-nurturing skills?

    What happens when you open to the true power you have to lead your life?

The feminine path has a pull like no other on the heartstrings of a woman. The path comes knocking through chaos, tenderness, and everything in between, all in the name of relation and creation. You co-create with this natural power by tending to the conditions that nourish vitality.

We follow a map of the Cyclic Feminine represented in the symbolism of the four seasons, the luteal phases, and the life/death/rebirth cycle in nature.
Some of the themes we will be exploring:


Nurturance – Tending to our Foundation
Desire – The Heartbeat of Vitality
Reverence for Instinctual Nature
Core Values – Getting Clear on What Matters


Sovereignty – recognizing one’s power
Responsibility – activating the power to respond to our needs
Capacity – tending to our bandwidth to be with charge


Reception – letting life move you
Expression – inner permission to voice your truth 
Revealing – uncovering your heart of hearts




Active Surrender – trust fall into the mystery of your becoming
-Integration – wholeness in being
Compassion – the woman committed to her journey

Animal Body Wisdom: Reverence for your instinctual nature means we understand the survival power that lives within our self-protective and defensive reactions. In Tend you receive Somatic education and guidance to attune your body. To feel and regulate your nervous system so you can ride the waves of emotion and sensation without being ‘taken out’ by it.

Unrestricted Vitality: Celebrating the freedom to let life move through you, to sway your hips, twinkle your eyes, shed your tears, moan out your exhales, shake with laughter. If life-force is a river, unrestricted vitality is about removing the dams, or adjusting the banks, so the river can really flow.

Heart Opening Compassion: the nitty, gritty day-to-day mature woman’s choices of practically meeting the needs of your life with a strong back and a soft front. This looks like combing through the real, mundane, tangible elements of your life and bringing the transformative fire of compassion wherever you need to really wake up.

The Feminine Path is all about wholeness through paradox.

Your becoming is a constant dance of unraveling, shedding and letting go

More of your self-centeredness means more capacity to genuinely connect

Death of old identities and patterns brings fresh vitality, rebirth

The language of your body is sometimes too large for words

Making meaning is in the BEING

Why I Needed To Create This:

I’ve been a relentless pursuer of experiences that widen my capacity for compassion, connection and expression. This has led me down roads of working intensively in gardens, on farms, serving with a non-profit, studying Somatic Experiencing, coaching other women, caregiving, and through it all – learning that the process is the medicine, and I ain’t the hero. Nor do I want to be.

What beats beneath all I do is a desire to feel belonging in my own skin, walking in this body on our earth at this particular time. To tend to me the way the earth tends to me. To no longer feel fragmented by shame or fearful of activation in my nervous system. Tending to my own process of learning to hold and offer myself more nourishment is a path I am a lifelong student of. It is my calling to mirror this and hold others in it.

I know what it is like to self-extract under the guise of connection. To trip over or disregard my boundaries altogether. To blow through my capacity to try and secure safety. To consume self-help like it’s the golden ticket. To feel like nobody can hold me the way I hold others. To bury my truest expression in the identities of intellectual, wanderer, caregiver, empath.

Many mentors, many landscapes, and many moments of Tending are what keep me on the path of awakening to my power. I have a lot to offer your journey.

A big part of Tend is looking at how we identify with our roles and where this restricts our vitality. How we attach to who we think we are, or the personalities we play. Tend is for holding the truth beneath that. There is so much power and love there. My skin gets goosebumps when I think of what we can create as women when we no longer need to hide behind complex masks, afraid of being seen for who we are.

Tend is also here because women need to witness other women. We need to be held in skillful spaces that bring us into contact with our voices, our bodies, our visions. Ironically, I believe group work is one of the most potent experiences for self-nurturing. Learning how to be in and with ourselves while in relationship.

Tend is for those who have been in this process. The process of coming home to themselves. The process of feeling again, of letting life move you. Tend is a continuation of what you’ve already been following. A continuation – and a deepening. Backed by grounded nervous system work so that you stay in contact with the here and now, even while tending to your dreams.

There are patterns that may fall away, unwind, and become obsolete during Tend. There are relationships that may need their boundaries revisited to yield to true connection. There is self-consent and empowerment that will come online that will make some choices more clear, more rooted, more potent.

Tend will serve you deeply especially if you are a creative force recovering from chronic fawning/people pleasing. You will be engaged in deep practice of attuning to yourself, from which all your actions and motivations will stem from. This does wonders for the power of your creative processes and the ways you show up in relationship.

And with all of that said, Tend is a process. Not a destination. Not an end result. Tend gives you a map and the space. Your willingness is what makes the big wheel spin.

Compassion + Courage

Notes of Thanks

“What I loved about working with Maxine was how she changed my perspective on what doing the work can look like. She has empowered me to nurture self-compassion by learning to listen to the wisdom of my body and nourish the parts that feel numb or forgotten.” – SG

Tend is the map of nurturing your nature.
Tend is
Returning to your Power,
Releasing the Rescuer.
Dissolving the Pedestals,
Dismantling Good.
No more gripping the wheel with eyes tight.
Tend is,
Unwavering dedication to your practice,
of nourishment and letting life move you.
Stepping away from ‘helping’, even yourself,
and into Embodiment.

Tend is Great Motherwork –
it is mothering your relationship to the cyclic wisdom that lives within your body.

Tend is sitting in your own field.
Tend is dancing with your vitality.

Tend is tender.
Tend is heat.
Tend is raw.
Tend is feeling.
Tend is here.

Bright sun on your naked body,
Heat of fire dancing across your face,
Wind kissing your every curve,
Water’s current beckoning your soul,
Space to become.

Tend is the Love in you.
Tend is your wide basket that holds so much.
Tend is knowing when to loosen the fibers.
And let it slip through.

Tend is being of service

By serving the truth in your bones.

Tend is a way of living into your life.